Thursday, November 5, 2015

Learning wisdom

Can wisdom be learned? Some say yes. Consider, if you will, this bit of an essay:
If we want to produce wise people, what are the stages that produce it?

First, there is basic factual acquisition. ... Research shows that students with a concrete level of core knowledge are better at remembering advanced facts and concepts .....

Second, there is pattern formation, linking facts together in meaningful ways. This can be done by a good lecturer, through ... discussion, through unconscious processing, or by going over and over a challenging [idea] until it clicks in your head.

Third, there is mental reformation. At some point while studying a field, the student realizes she has learned a new language and way of seeing — how to think like a mathematician or a [project manager] or a physicist.

At this point information has become knowledge. .... It can be manipulated and rearranged. At this point a student has the mental content and architecture to innovate, to come up with new theses, challenge others’ theses and be challenged in turn.

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