For some, boredom is the great fear. Got to keep moving!
"He had a function, an excuse for activity. For a few hours at least he wouldn’t be bored. ... he drank the coffee, which was still too hot. He reflected that the fear of boredom had driven him the whole of his life."Ann Cleeves, Novelist
The fear or boredom was a driver ...
Frankly, I know how he feels
Add value
It shouldn't be motion for motion's sake
It should be about the utility of what you are doing
I need an activity plan for every day ... how will this day add value to what I am about?
About utility
Utility is the marginal difference between face value and the value you -- or someone else -- puts on what your are doing or offering.
If you think about it, almost anyone can offer up face value if they have the skills for that domain, but if you are in constant motion -- avoiding boredom -- then that activity should be directed at more than just face value.
Even if it's just reading a book, the question is: how much better off are you for having engaged in that activity? For me, I read a lot of history because I think there are lessons there to be applied forward that will add value to my endeavors. And, of course, I might avoid a risk I might not otherwise understand.
If you are driven to activity ...
Make it count for something.
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