Now, the word 'command' is probably a no-no among many. It's all about synergy and shared commitment, etc.
- A PM is not promoted for lack of 'command presence'. What is that? See below.
- 'Commands' are given (in the civilian world) but for lack of follow-though the permanent bureaucracy all but ignores them
- A casual comment is understood -- in context -- to mean "get it done"
- A casual comment is misunderstood to be a command, when it reality it was just a casual comment
So what's going on here?
Command presence: You know it when you see it. A confident aura that invites -- rather than demands -- followership. Obviously, no empty suit!
Sloppy communication. The "one in command" is careless about a comment, not understanding or observing the reaction that surrounds it
Underlings too eager to please. These guys make the most of reflected and proximate power -- power and authority absorbed simply because they are in close proximity to the throne.
Bureaucrats understand the impracticality or incompleteness of the command. And so it is ignored or modified on the spot. Actually, this is a very common consequence of "flow down of goals and objectives" and also of assuming operating detail will be filled in below by the people who actually have to do the work.
So, don't be surprised to see how a command actually materializes!
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