Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Matrix messaging

We've all heard of matrix management; many of us have gotten involved in projects with matrix organizations. But recently I was led to the idea of matrix messaging in the context of change management.

How does it work?

Actually, the same as matrix management: YOU are at the intersection of multiple messages: one from one manager, perhaps the project sponsor, and the other from the business. Hopefully, they are the same, but often not.
Messages Project

And, so what's a change manager to do? Obviously: take action to coordinate and make coherent the messages... so as to make "music" and not "noise" from all the input.

And, how to do this?
  • Form relationships with all the messengers
  • Coach them on the message
  • Validate the message delivery
  • Take corrective action if necessary
This is a form of Messaging 101:
  • Tell them what you are going to tell them
  • Tell them
  • Tell them what you told them

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