Monday, January 26, 2015

15 ways to communicate or improve communications

Some New Year's lists are more practical and useful than others. Here's 15 ways to get leverage out of your communications. Given the center spot of communications in our business, this list -- from "A girls' guide to project management" is worth a look.

One suggestion you don't see all that often is this one:

6. Create a communications asset register A communications asset register is a list of all the communications assets that you have created for the project. That includes:
  • Newsletters
  • Press releases
  • Internal magazine articles
  • Posters
  • Flyers and leaflets
  • Photos

And, of course, there is this one that is ageless:
3. Use checklists
  • Create checklists for tasks that you do frequently like hosting Project Board meetings or project kick off.
  • Checklists are in use in hospitals and airlines because they help people remember everything they need to do and ensure nothing gets forgotten.
  • Pick a few tasks that you struggle with (for me it’s creating POs and then paying the invoices) and create a checklist so you don’t have to think about it anymore.

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