Monday, March 3, 2014

Another entry for the agile practice dictionary

Jim Highsmith has defined CD -- continuous delivery cycle time -- this way, a practice you can add to your GAAP -- Generally Accepted Agile Practices:
Finally, the newest perspective, brought about in great measure by the advent of Continuous Delivery (CD), is that of cycle time. Furthermore, there are at least three versions of cycle time:
  • Deployment frequency (days, weeks, x times per day),
  • Feature cycle time (release from backlog to delivery), and
  • Project cycle time (similar to planned versus actual).
Deployment frequency and feature cycle time are becoming very important performance metrics in our current era of CD. In fact, value and cycle time are rapidly replacing the Iron Triangle (scope-schedule-cost) as the critical metrics to use in building responsive systems responsively .....

Brother Jim may be a bit ahead with his last statement about critical metrics for "responsive systems". On that last term, I'm not sure it's made it to mainstream yet, but in an unrelated posting, my attention was drawn to this missive on building out a "responsive site":

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