Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Test Driven Development -- TDD

New to the agile scene? Curious about XP -- Extreme Programming? One practice born in XP and now widely dispersed in the agile community is Test Driven Development, TDD.

The main idea
Here are the main ideas of TDD, and they are a mind-bender for the traditionalist: Requirements are documented in the form of test scripts, and test scripts are the beginning point for product design.

TDD works this way: detailed design and development, after consideration for architecture, is a matter of three big steps:

Step 1: document development requirements with test scripts. Beginning with functional requirements in the iteration backlog, and in collaboration with users, the developer writes technical design requirements in the form of a test script, and writes the script in a form to be run with test-automating tools. Automated tools enable quick turnaround. Automated tests run fast, run on-demand, run repeatedly the same way, and run under various data and system conditions.

Step 2: run the test, modifying the object design until it passes. If the test fails, as it often will, the developer implements the quickest and simplest solution that will likely pass. Step 2 is repeated until the test passes.

Step 3: refine the detail design of the object. After the solution passes the test, the developer iterates the detail design to be compliant with quality standards. In doing so, only the internal detail is changed and improved; no change is made to the object’s external characteristics. To verify no external changes and continued functionality, the modified solution is retested internally.

A project management tip: TDD, unit tests, and acceptance tests
  • TDD was invented as a design practice; it is commonly applied to the lowest level design units
  • “TDD's origins were a desire to get strong automatic regression testing that supported evolutionary design.”4
  • Unit tests, distinct from TDD tests, are postimplementation design verification tests. In most respects, unit tests and TDD tests are very similar, but the purposes are very different: one drives design and the other verifies implementation.
  • The concept of automated tests is also applicable to higher-level tests, such as product integration tests and user acceptance tests, but these are not for the purpose of driving design.
  • At higher levels, designs that pass unit tests are being tested in a larger context and by independent testers, including end users.

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